“Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing.” ~ William A. Ward
So yesterday, after months of hard work, we had our ViVa as a wrap. yay! (it's a sign that our battle had come to the end.)
During the presentation, our supervisor, Dr. Garry was there all of the time to give us strength and support. Beside that, he also give us sign from far when we should calm down (masa ni sign tangan kebawah-kebawah & mulut muncong-muncong tarik nafas dia agak cute. macam latihan pernafasan orang nak beranak) or cut the crap. (sign potong-potong leher..ahaha..tak sia-sia aku belajar bahasa isyarat sebelum-sebelum ni :)
After an hour of battle, we receive tones of critics from examiners..... but still, we PASS the test with flying colours! Awesome weii~~
“I’m not telling you it is going to be easy — I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it” ~ Art Williams
To celebrate our success, our generous adviser had buy us lunch again! horay! free food! Thanks Dr Garry. *jangan serik ye mengajar di Malaysia ;D
tanpa segan silu, we had requested to have our lunch at Restaurant Famous Thai in Plaza Shah Alam.
kalau belanja sorang dua takpe lah lagi kan, ni segerombolan kanak-kanak riang. Memang berlubang lah dompet beliau ;D
As a a token of appreciation, I made this cute souvenir for him.
(murah, unik & penuh sentimental value. Belajar buat craft memang berbaloi-baloi ;)
Don't you think they have similarity?? ^_^
From: Dr. Garry wannabe ^_^
Doubt whom you will, but never doubt yourself~~~ d[^_^]b
Heeheeeee tak tahannye souvenir tu, so cute! Moustacheeee! ;D
misai pnggoda tu..
@aneesah.. misai tu wajib. tanda lahir dia..ahaha
@toyolkiut.. dulu dia army, jadi iyer misai commando ;)
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