Wednesday, August 26, 2009

...Codroy laptop sleeve...

my client gave me her preloved jeans to make new goodies, n as my hand get to alter them.. walahhh...

A sleeve bag & a pouch bag was born..hihi
hope you like them :)

Enjoy~~~ d[^_^]b

A sempoi laptop sleeve to secure your laptop

& a Green pouch to keep all your other mini gadget :)

p/s: I only charge for workmanship ya people as u have provide the jeans


aYu MaCCa said...

liyana.. berapa harga sarung laptop nie

Pejalan Angkasa said...

Comey cam pokok...
Keep up the good sew

liyana said...

@kak ayu.. sarung itu harge rm50 je..siap berspan lg kasi empuk..hihi

@falcon biru..yup. itu pokok epal..ilusi kanak2..hikhik

dzi said...

tak saber nye nakk tgguu. adoii.

Anonymous said...

salam liyana...i would like to know..camane if saye bagi awak satu jeans and then u create a bag for me...

liyana said...

@dzi..dh test blum??muat x kak?

@cil-ala.. boleh..please email me all ur detail ya dear :)

dzi said...

cik terom... CUN SGT... harus lah muattt. ukuran yg akak bg tu mmg besar, sbb nak sumbat my en lapy, cool pad dia, charger dia, cik tetikus dia. so, MUATTTT semua nye. TQ dear. sgt SUKEEE akan baju baru en lapy.

n the small bag pun sudah mule di guna pakai. suke all the pins. TQSM

liyana said...

ohh..hebat2.. gud to know that you are loving them :D

adhlin83 said...

hi.. liyana...

hehehe leh request u recycle my old jeans cm ni...

nanti i korek2 my gobok..

liyana said...

wahh..boleh3.. sgt memerlukan derma jeans skang. thanks dear :D

sickchild said...

prghhh weh gila hebat kau neh. aku nak gak!

liyana said...

boleh nk..order dgm meng'email' sy k :)

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