(org tgh sibuk perang bola m'sia, cik terompah dok sibuk menjual lg..haiyoo.. Bukan xmoh sokong red warrior, tp tiket abis cepat sgt.. n aksi penonton yg tampak lebih agresif dr yg di padang, sungguh merunsingkan jiwa.. ala2 gladiator member kate..ahaks.. maka, harus lah cik terompah xsertai.. tp jgn risau, kepada mereka yg terlepas peluang menonton keganasan tersebut seperti cik terompah, sila click sini)
anyway, if anyone want to share their pic on last wonderful market with me, just buzz me k :D
xmas keychain ku saje yg sempat di snap..uhuks...

Thanks megytomyam for nice picture
(nick name yg direka sndr..name sbnr beliau dlm ic adelah xmas star bunny)
pasni sy sudah ade teman stay up menjahit. horay!
beliau sudi terime adiah xseberapa sy :D
(thanks kak ben for the pic)
Enjoy~~~ d[^_^]b
p/s: thanks a lot to syahira for being there all day
p/s/s: to kak benny, thanks for the space that we share.. collaborate again next time ye :)
p/s: thanks a lot to syahira for being there all day
p/s/s: to kak benny, thanks for the space that we share.. collaborate again next time ye :)
you are most welcome babe!
blog yang menarik. Ramai jugak para artis yang menjadikan jahitan sebagai extra income. Teringin betul saya nak belajar menjahit huhu.
Keep it up ya!
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