(arahan cik terompah: Sape plg lmbt melukis dia menang ye!
ahaha..arahan syko utk melambatkan diorg dr mintak byk plastik baru)
This purple kids are from S.K. Presint 8..
(ade x anak anda dlm ni?? angkat tgn..)
all of the drawing will be bake in the oven and after few minutes..
(amaran keras dr kerajaan:
sila jgn cube pada sebarang material di rumah ye..
takot ade yg terbakar umah nanti..mintak dijauhkan)
Sambil2 mengajar, sempat juge cik terompah mencuri tulang..ehehe
(jgn bg tau org kampong ye)
i went to watercolor class next to booth..
n my 1st attempt doing watercolor picture just took me 4 hours..pheww
(tobat aku respect ngan org yg sabar dlm art ni)
To pak sani: thanks for being patient with me that have no talent at all.. huhu
(balek ni terus kene rembam tgn lame2 kasi lembut melukis. haisyoo)
(jgn bg tau org kampong ye)
i went to watercolor class next to booth..
n my 1st attempt doing watercolor picture just took me 4 hours..pheww
(tobat aku respect ngan org yg sabar dlm art ni)
To pak sani: thanks for being patient with me that have no talent at all.. huhu
(balek ni terus kene rembam tgn lame2 kasi lembut melukis. haisyoo)
last but not least, if i have more picture, i will upload later k
Enjoy~~~ d[^_^]b
wahh..best laa pe cik terompah wat. mana dapat material yg lukis and baked dlm oven tu..nak join gak...!!
walopon 1st time tp da nampak cantik..well done
@muhsync.. haa..lain kali kalau ade memo event sy kat sini.. jgn lupe join k
@dijadeja... ahaks.. thanks babe
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