prof: "Liyana, u r a bad presenter, have to work hard n do more public speaking after this" wahhh...sentap..jujur nyer beliau ni (sugul) T_T
tp xpe, cik terompah dh kebal akan segala kritikan..will triple my effort n don't be shock after this, penceramah bebas akan bertambah ahli baru.. bukan ceramah politik, tp nk practic public speaking je..harharhar..
tp jumaat ni will be my 1st final exam paper..wahhh..horarrrr (sugul semula)
Doakan cik terompah rajin menelan buku ye ~~~ T_T
gudluck tauke terompah,hihi..
xm aku ari sabtu..takooottt..
all the best, perempuan. hi2x..
aiyoooo...:D...all the best k
@ainnur..Gambate gegirl..ahaha
@syira..ko bukan ke exam gak ke..huhu..wat2 relax ye..hep
@suezen..thanks dear.. plus, tgh berusaha keras puasa muka buku..huhu
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