after I had my lunch today, i had made my mind to set up my 1st online shop using etsy.yeah!! but then, i can't came out with a good & catchy name...huhu 

give me your brilliant ideas as to name my shop with a banner that you created for my shop...As for the gift, I will send to you one of my special creation of coins bag as a symbol of my thanx...just live a message and I really appreciate your time and afford to help d[^_^]b

to all my friends..sorry..xperasan ade technical error sblm ni..xleh comment..nway, thanx 4 ur concern..big hug
aku bkn nak komen pn tp sj nak gatau ko y aku tgh pk nk bg nape y pntg name ko msti taruk... bg glamour sket, hehe..tgu ek..
hehe..ok2..aku xkisah..dragonfly ke, butterfly ke, firefly ke, bacteria ke, virus ke name kedai aku..asal chumel n catchy..bdk kecik pon bleh ingat name kedai aku..hahahha..demand lak..xde lah..xkisah actually..try ur best friends
u nak yang jual ape? specific product or many
arnie : rasenyer handmade levis stuffs je kan yana...chewahh..tlg jwb aku nie..
xkisah jugak sbnr nyer..jual brng levis je kang kene saman lak ngan levis..haha..more on handmade, accessories n ladies gak lah kot..hehe..ok x huraian aku? d[^-^]b
handmade goodies
try la put sumthing kat depan or belakang cam Ichi ban, my, cute, etc... for instant:
Ichi ban handmade goodies
My handmade goodies
Liyana handmade goodies
Handmade goodies addicted
ahahaha lucu tak saya punye idea?
hihi..lucu jugak, tp ok.boleh jugak..but then
banner nyer pon masalah..xde idea..huhu
aku pn sependapat ng arnie ade pkatasan goodies and yana. i reckon for 'yana handmade goodies' banner aku tak reti wat..ta dak sofware..
mmg nak jual handmade sahaja?
mana tau ada product lain ke.
oo..tu lah..xtau lg ms depan..but then, main point..any name..yg pntg je ape2 cadangan..aku mendgr..hihi
YANA + decor + corner= Yana de corner
wahh..chumel..tlng lah bg banner skali ye d[^_^]b ade maskot ke, mcm ladybird ke, bee ke...hehe..tu idea tambahan je
download it from this link
thanx for the help...akan cube diusahakan
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