Just a quick post...on my way to career fair which starting today till this Sunday at Midvalley. And farah has been there waiting for me
huhu..but she never knew that I still bz blogging..hehe..sorry farah..
the best part is, after accompany her at mid, we will heading to cathay cineplex damansara to watch boys over flower movie......
actually,it was like meteor garden story, but in japan edition..I don't care either it was taiwan or japan,the important is.. their heroes are handsome (jambu giler, kalu pakai'n tudung mesti lawa)
I will sent my full report after I wacth the movie ok.. bubye d[^_^]b

the best part is, after accompany her at mid, we will heading to cathay cineplex damansara to watch boys over flower movie......

actually,it was like meteor garden story, but in japan edition..I don't care either it was taiwan or japan,the important is.. their heroes are handsome (jambu giler, kalu pakai'n tudung mesti lawa)

I will sent my full report after I wacth the movie ok.. bubye d[^_^]b
wah sound mcm best je ditambah dgn hero kacak. haha cepat update!!
haha..limited preview lah pulak..sekali sehari n we miss the show..rabu ni nk try lg, dpt murah..dh la wayang jauh..sabar je la..huhu
aku ta pnh dgr pn citer nie, da lame agaknyer tak g tgk muvie... tp aku ase cm nak p tgk, sbb meteor garden tue one of ma fav drama series...
mmg citer ni kurg didengari..sbb kat cathy cineplex je die tanyang kat m'sia ni...huhu..aku peminat dao ming si n shan cai gak..hihi
suker san chai jugak...tersgtla cute..'dao ming si yo pentan', sll kutuk dao ming si...aku siap bli dvd die wat koleksi, hehe..sgt la mahal..
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