Who can tell me, what will happen to my driving licence in the future??? hehe

Maybe what I'm going to share also happend to others... especially woman..
emm...Rewinding the memory to get this driving licence, I have to spend RM650 from my PTPTN loan..it wasn't cheap for a student at that time..plus, in final year...tide time n money...waa...it wasn't just a piece of paper or name card....it was an expensive licence card :(
If before this, all my 'not carted driving advisor' says that it might be useful while I'm working...but now, I still not using it...going to work by LRT..do I have to take LRT driving licence after this?? as to feel not wasted..hehe
Now, my licence has reach to 1 years old..huhu..& I feel like going to frame it d[^_^]b
Or YOU have other idea??? just jot down..& leave a message..bubye
Maybe what I'm going to share also happend to others... especially woman..
emm...Rewinding the memory to get this driving licence, I have to spend RM650 from my PTPTN loan..it wasn't cheap for a student at that time..plus, in final year...tide time n money...waa...it wasn't just a piece of paper or name card....it was an expensive licence card :(
If before this, all my 'not carted driving advisor' says that it might be useful while I'm working...but now, I still not using it...going to work by LRT..do I have to take LRT driving licence after this?? as to feel not wasted..hehe
Now, my licence has reach to 1 years old..huhu..& I feel like going to frame it d[^_^]b
Or YOU have other idea??? just jot down..& leave a message..bubye
haha..lesen je ada..tp takleh drive..huhu...
tau xpe..pembaziran sungguh
at one time... ko akan tau btapa bgunanye bnde alah ni...
hoho...harap2 cepat la sket kesedaran tu smpai
salam yana...asal p.tumboh ke?hihi...depan mrsm ke?rindunye kat pasir tumboh..kenangan 11 tahun lepas...:D
yup..org pasir tumboh je..hehe..umah as kat c2 ke? ke penah study kat mrsm PT???
mmg arr tak leh drive lg skrang...
one day u will use it...
Someday ye...huhu...xlarat nk tunggu the day...
hehe.umah parents kat kuala krai..;p
yup,blaja kat mrsm pt form 1 smpi 3 dulu.pastu smbg mrsm ktn plak.tu kenal aida tu.hehe...
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