Here I want to promote a contest that been held by my good craftier friend.. Jun Yue and her spectacular creation, one and only The Beanipet..wiiii
As Beanipet will becoming one years old less than 2 weeks time from now, I want to take my chance to wish Beanipet to have a bless year in the future. In the future, Beanipet maybe in each house around the globe coz they are truly cute and must have item :)
So people, don't waste your time to stand a chance winning this great pillow for free.. Just drop by her blog, and choose your cup of tea contest categories:
1st contest - Take picture wishing Beanipet happy Bday and send to her. that's it!
2nd contest - Just promote this event on FB / Blog, u also will include in the Lucky draw & win voucher!
3rd contest - Just click FOLLOW. there will be Lucky Draw also!!!
kreatif la cik terompah
ihiks..tp xmenang lah cik zaidi..huhu..makne nyer xcukup kretif lg T_T
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