Sunday, February 1, 2009

...My outfit timetable!!...

Did my post title catch ur eyes???

It had been 3 days I read about colour therapy..n they aren't new in town, but I just knew it..huh..Or are you also new to this therapy??? huhu.. welcome to the club..

Let me share what I read..and if you have any curiosity, just ask your teacher next door, coz I'm really not good in teaching..ihihi

Ok, did you ever wonder why you are so into red today??( kdg siap leh sedondon ngan member kan) or have you walked into someone's house decorated in blue, and suddenly you felt more relaxed & peaceful than a house paint with yellow or orange colour?? The theories of colour therapy provide an explanation:colors affect your moods, personality, feelings and your physical energy. Every color in the rainbow radiates a different vibration or wave length. Reds vibrate very slowly and violets vibrate very quickly. The other five colours vibrate at rates in between these two..

Here is the best part, we live in schedule although we like it or not, right?(eg: night and day) So, we have to face that there are also schedule for the colour of your shirt!! coz colours can influence your mood and balence your inner side energy for that particular day. huhu..Here are recommended colour that can you wear for each day..

- White means Purity, truth, innocence and hope.. Good to begin your week. White purifies our thoughts and feelings giving us inspiration in all undertakings.

Tuesday - Purple or Pink means understanding, beauty, creativity and inspiration.This colour energy also connects us to our unconscious self & give us the experience of being part of the whole universe. Strengthens intuition, imagination, psychic power and increases dream activity.

Wednesday - Blue means knowledge, health and decisiveness.Blue also a mentally-relaxing colour. Blue has a pacifying effect on the nervous system and brings great relaxation. Ideal for sleep problems and hyper-active children.It also the best day for you to do meeting as communication are good in wednesday (patot pon kebanyakan bos aku suke buat meeting hari ni...senang nk maki hamun mcm cikgu maimon..uhuhu)

Thursday - Yellow, Orange or Brown means happiness, confident, wisdom, and self-esteem. They also can brings joy to our workday & strengthens our appetite for life! More specific, the yellow energy connects to our mental self and is great for our memory, studying for exams & creating confidence.(Ia juga colour yg baik utk g interview..hihi)

Friday - Green means balance, love, and self control.Green helps relax muscles, nerves, and thoughts. Cleanses and balances our energy, to give a feeling of renewal, peace and harmony. Excellent colour to replenish when you feel emotionally drained.

Saturday - Red means vitality, courage and self confident. The colour red provides the power from the earth and gives energy on all levels. It connects us to our physical body. Everything that is to be commenced needs the life vitality of red.(rs nyer cikgu sains penah kater, hari sabtu plg kurg infra red..uhuhu)

Sunday - Black means power and a calming color..they also good to end your week...Try wear black clothes for a feeling of strength and self confidence. Black also suppresses the appetite. If you want to lose weight, cover your dining table with black tablecloth..hihi..maybe blh jadi sebahagian agenda diet kamu..

To practice this schedule, you don't have to wear all green from head to toe like the incredible HULK.. hihi..cukup lah sekadar major colour for your outfit on that day (start from now, I can't recycle my tshirt..and start make a timetable for them..huh)

Maybe on the next post I will discuss about the colour that we represent..or maybe not..depends pada kerajinan..ahaks

Lastly I'm proudly represent to you, founder of colour vibration treatment in malaysia, Prof Emeritus Dr Sir Norhisham Wahab. He had done lots of study about the relation of colours to our daily life and how we can use them for treatment..Just visit his side here to know him better..daa d[^_^]b

p/s: ade jadual colour bj pon ok gak kan..lebih teratur harap xberlaku marhaban dgn berleluasa lah pasni..uhuhu


apisz said... yang menarik nih..nnt sure baju kita same je setiap hari kalernya....

nak kena shooping baju la..untuk seswai kan hari dan kaler...



apisz said... yang menarik nih..nnt sure baju kita same je setiap hari kalernya....

nak kena shooping baju la..untuk seswai kan hari dan kaler...



liyana said... like...ihihi

apisz said...

nak itot la tu....keje rajin2 la ye...


liyana said...

baik..maju lah keje utk negara..ahaha

ezanykun said...

sy suka sgt kaler biru.. :D

liyana said...

oo..biru itu blue.ihihi..kaler yg sinonim dgn lelaki

apisz said...

blue kaler sinonim ngan laki? sbb?

liyana said...

emm..kene bg sbb ye..mcm debat lak..ihihi..

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