Morning (kalu korg bc malam ke ptg ke, anggap je lah pagi ye..sbb aku taip ni pagi..haha)
Actually, I got to see lots of talent in art and design on last bazaar..They are very talented and from all of their creation, they made art very natural n fun.. superb nice..Let the pic do the job d[^_^]b
1stly I will introduce my neighbor, cik Teddie... He is actually a passionate greeting & pop-up card engineer n I'm glad to know him..He customize all sort of occasions card like Bday, anniversary, invitational, celebration & wedding for his costumer..You just name your theme, he will magically built your special card..hehe..(promosi xagak-agak..nanti kalu cik liyana buat kad kawen mcm ni, korg jgn campak buang suke ati..frame..mahal ni...hehe..nway, cian tukang buat kad, sakit mate memotong kertas n glue kertas kecik2)
Next is Supernab from 'Awat' label..she actually studying in Auckland, New Zealand. As it was holiday, she could participate on last bazaar. ‘Awat?’ was founded by SuperNab, a teacher-trainee, to support her shopping habits, so she claimed. Yes, you guessed right, ‘Awat?’ means why or what in Kedahan-Malay and yes, right again, SuperNab is from Kedah. I hope I can have a stylo teacher like her..hihihi
my other neighbour at the bazaar was Tiana from '' label.. she also a fine designer and her goodies are full of colours..Awesomely, her collection also found on last Seventeen,KLUE and Junk huh..wanna be like her
I also get to know a very gifted artist I think..Jaja yusof.. her ink painting was superb... see to believe. but I afraid that i can't find her web page..So people, just reconize her & if you find her on any art art exhebition, don't forget to support her ok..
Now, I introduce to you my cute doll maker, Cassie...wiii.. I love her dolls a lot as her doll was very special, unique and made from socks..(new socks ok..wangi lg..hehe)..beside that, she also made tees, brooches and accessories under 'Cassettee' label...feel free to drop by her blog to see more collection..
aa..guest days, you can paint your shoes!!..Boongashoes is an expert if you want your shoes to appear one of a like...Seriously, CUTE! they are talented and their price are affortable..
More, nice illustrator that I found there was Plasterdoll!! wahh..She is a very cute model n really catch the eyes..Although she an amateur fashion model, she post fabulous designer label.. sgt jeles...See to believe how cute she was..hehe
I believe that, I may miss someone from this list coz I know, there are a lot talent out there.. If U one of them, I'm very glad to hear from U...Please leave a message ya... Handmade Rocks..Indie artist rulezzz!! d[^_^]b
liyana... thanx promote my cards kat ur blog... where's my felt logo tu? kata nak letak cni.... nice meeting u n ur partner.. btw, ade dpt invitation lg tak besides, KL pac?
gmbr pin tu xdpt upload lg..cameraman cuti plak..bwk lari skali sume gmbr mase bazaar..huhu..kene tgu die pulang..waa...
emm..xdpt lg. tp for this march ade.. art market by don't panic.. nanti I dpt invitation & detail, I will let u know k
[b]bila nak gi menjual lg?[/b]
salam, cik yana..
kak ayu dah tukar url blog
harap maklum :)
so aper citer?nape x jadi sambung skool?
oh..kak ayu dh tukar blog..patot pon bersawang ms g singgah ari tuh..huhu
p/s: emosi mcm pindah umah lak..huhu
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