So, after a long thought...for my entry in Gisele's Birdie-Know-it-All Tutorial contest, i choose to have a tutorial on how to make a flower pot's skirt.
I can confirm you that it will be the simplest, nice,unique,economic and fun tutorial. What is more important..this tutorial can be accomplished by everyone!!Even though you are not a pro in me..
or you do not have a sewing machine, you still can make your own pot's skirt in just a few hours.

Did you all ever checked out about this great contest? Actually, it is superb because it's not only for sewing craft, it also include for those who love to cook, designing home decoration or even making handmade cards and dolls. If you are into handmade, I think you should join too. Click the cute logo to find out more about the contest and amazing prizes!

Now, we can start our sewing class...
step 1:
collect all the tools we need
step 2:
then, sketch our own flower pot's skirt..
step 3:
Take the measurement of our flower pot and make a draft for the skirt's component.
step 4:
Now, we can cut our jeans according to the measurement (reminder; don't cut your favorite jeans) If you don't have any wasted jeans, you can always buy this pieces of jeans from any jeans outlet... You can also use any other fabric that you like.
step 5:
Now, we can start to sew our pot's skirt =) You can choose threads from any colour as long as it can make your skirt look more gorgeous..
Firstly, sew the skirt flirty and each of skirt's end
Then, sew the skirt and belt together
Next, we can sew the button at each end of the skirt..It is optional, you also can use Velcro or zip for the skirt.
wow..we are almost in the finishing step. Don't you excited?? =)
Now, to decorate the pot's skirt, we can make our own ribbon by a piece of jeans and sew it.
step 6:
For the final touch, I choose to put some diamond on it because I love Bling Bling..hihi.. if you do not have a diamond it can be replaced by buttons, flower stickers or beads to make the skirt look more depends on your creativity... Lastly, give a big round of plows to ourselves...wiiiiii
Bling Bling skirt
Before After
My flowers looks lovely on my favorite desk..
p/s: I can't get it on video as I don't have any video cam =(
anyway, I'm very happy to hear comment from all of you..enjoy!! d[^_^]b
anyway, I'm very happy to hear comment from all of you..enjoy!! d[^_^]b
beautiful!! I love it :)
waa..glad to hear that..thanks a lot
nice! good job!
wow impressed!! u've got talent on this, keep up a good work
thanks a lot cik apisz & cik arni =)
Ha! very stylish skirt. I used to live in Penang. I can tell you are Malaysian!Selemat Pagi!
yes,i'm Malaysian..selamat pagi also to you..hihi
jaga jaga masa siram pokok tu,make sure dia pakai pampers k.
of course I'll always make sure my plant use pampers before I water them..haha..
this is very fun and creative! and you are very beautiful : )
thanx a lot michelle..*blushing.. hihi..anyway my job cannot be compare with yours...coz your art are superb =D
comel la pulak..order 8..
wahh..order jgn x order..8 je ke..sedara punyer pasal order la 80 terus..hahaha
I love it :)
thanks Eli =D
kagum kagum kagum... u're very unique and creative person...
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