here are some picture of my sweetie with her favorite vegetable, Long bean....
This blog have nothing to do with any terompah at any surau.. It's just a name to catch your eyes. peace y'all!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
...Gardening with my Sweetie...
Hi guys..beside than photographing, now I had new hobbies...... GARDENING!! hehe.. All because of her..MELOR.. my little model that work very hard in her little garden , although she just walk around for a few minutes each morning with long beans in her hand, she still made me feel good...(keje menanam sume mak die buat)..hihi..
here are some picture of my sweetie with her favorite vegetable, Long bean....
~~selain jd supervisor kebun, Melor juge supervisor standart bg semua kacang..jd die kene test sume kacang sblm di jual..hihi~~
here are some picture of my sweetie with her favorite vegetable, Long bean....
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olololo...domenyer. beso2 nanti musti die jadik ahli botani. anak sedare ke yana??
gile advance mek ni...tetiba je blog template jadi gini.....hebat2....bleh tahan followers mu mek...
to annies..yup..anak sedara..part time jd model aku..haha..emm sama ade die akan jd ahli botani or jd pemakan tumbuhan organik tu aku xsure..hehe..kene tanyer mak die
to abg poji...toce toce (thhanx).. xla hebat sgt..follow org jugak..hihi
thank you for your compliment! your little girl is so cute! : )
thanks a lot michelle.. hope some day you could paint my little girl..hihi
elok la tuh annies...
melentur buluh dari rebung...
mek..anak sape ni..hehe
that kid is so cute, i like her red boot, cantiklah. pakai pampers tu lagi ;P
wah.. dah ada tenplate baru nampak... :P
eh.. org panggil kamu "mek"?
to radin...hehe...mmg die sgt berbakat...very proud of her..hihi
to apisz...anak buah ni..chumel kan..hehe
to arni...mmg Melor pandai bergaya..nk b'kebun pon sempat melaram, xpadan xcukup umor..hihi
to bad...huhu...mmg byk name glamour..jgn xtau..haha
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